All of the photographs in this site are original works and copyrighted by Thomas Bosworth. The photos on this site are a few of my favorites. Please contact me for information concerning any photo or this site.
The photos on this site were taken with a variety of cameras including a Yashica FX-1 SLR and a Nikon D40X.
All of the photographs in this site are original works and copyrighted by Thomas Bosworth. The photos on this site are a few of my favorites. Please contact me for information concerning any photo or this site.
The photos on this site were taken with a variety of cameras including a Yashica FX-1 SLR and a Nikon D40X.

Penny, a National Open Champion. This was the first photo I entered in a competition that received an award. (1975)
Big Apple Lake

Big Apple Lake is located within Camp Mach-Kin-O-Siew near Elcho, Wi.